A simple, mindful approach to rediscover your true physical stature...as you modify all unhealthy habits of slouching — forever !
Introducing our vital anti-gravity resting companion. In only 5-8 minutes per day, you will begin to:
— transcend years of upper & lower back pain, relieve neck & shoulder muscular tightness
— transform poor postural habits through a sensible & effortless daily practice of pure relaxation
— rejuvenate mind, spine & spirit in seconds with this intuitive & self-informing re-alignment experience
THE BODY TUNING CUSHION: for the healthiest rest of your life !

Experience your newly poised physical self
Both therapeutic & educational, the Body Tuning Cushion teaches the body to naturally integrate with gravity rather than continue its unhealthy, gravity-induced habits of slouching.
As we stand or sit after only a brief session on the Body Tuning Cushion, the entire body strives to re-create the poised & properly aligned sensory experience the cushion had just provided.
Live More Elegantly
- Eliminate chronic muscular stress & pain in your back, neck & shoulders
- Modify your most ingrained & inefficient postural habits
- Decompress & rejuvenate your spine, enjoy breathing more freely
- Inhibit fatigue, revitalize your entire body as you sense the joy of integrating with gravity
- Fortify your presence with a buoyant and reclaimed physical stature
- Stand more easily
- Sit more comfortably
- Rest more deeply and, yes — discover your own path toward a regret-free and more elegant longevity!!

How to Use the Body Tuning Cushion
Fit your head comfortably onto the head cradle: the neck, spine & torso will then adapt naturally to the cushion’s purpose and design precision: ALLOW GRAVITY TO DO ALL THE WORK! The Body Tuning Cushion immediately begins to reverse gravity’s long-term effects throughout your body — while all you do is RELAX — and breathe!

Lessons Learned
Embracing the actual practice called BODY TUNING, daily users of the Body Tuning Cushion discover the joy of re-creating their physical stature with ever-increasing frequency, guided by an uplifting & new postural buoyancy within the body.


"This is great….I’ve never felt anything like this. I need this: I'm 6'5", and as a golfer, take it from me, my whole body welcomes this new found flexibility: my shoulders, my arms, my wrists, my spine, and even my lower back — I'm no longer sore after I play! Believe it or not, I haven't seen my chiropractor even once this year! 3 minutes — that's all it takes to wake up my spine, then like clockwork my back muscles suddenly relax. This cushion is off the charts, a fantastic discovery!"
– Carl Nelson, Senior Sports Editor, New York Times

"On my first try, I didn’t think my head would make it down onto the cushion’s cradle, yet within one minute, my neck relaxed completely as my head dropped back to rest comfortably on the cradle. After only six minutes and then standing still, my upper body felt so different and even awkward, but a good awkward. I've now gotten use to this feeling, like this is the way it ought to be. I bought one for my daughter, a writer, & her partner, a musician — and they love it!"
– Dr. Oscar Cohen EDD, Columbia University

"I had no idea something so simple could be so immediately effective, while making total sense. Gravity caused me to slouch my whole life, but with the cushion, gravity now relieves all that habitual compression it caused with a whole new postural awareness, better rest and instant relaxation. As an electrician I'm in crazy positions all day long, so I can’t wait to get home, take my hot shower, and hit my cushion for 10 to 15 minutes before anything!"
– Bryan Flemming, Electrical Contractor, New Canaan, CT

"I’ve had chronic shoulder & neck pain for years from sitting in front of my computer everyday. After only one month of using the Body Tuning Cushion twice a day for around 10 minutes, my pain has completely subsided, I don't even think about it! What I really love is the lightness and this openness I'm now aware of in my upper body more & more each day. I had no idea this sense of being so naturally & easily uplifted was even possible, almost like it was just waiting to come alive."
– Elizabeth Pratt, Director of the Camera Club of New York

The “Body Tuning Cushion” has been a life saver for me. I started using it as a new mom, whose back and shoulders were continuously strained from holding a newborn morning, noon and night. All I had to do was commit a few minutes to rest on the cushion a couple of times a day (a luxurious experience in itself for a new mom) and my stature was refreshed and the pain dissolved. I’ve continued to use it to maintain my energy and poise at work, especially leading into pitches and other client presentations. Couldn’t recommend it more!
– Kate Paulson, Director of Strategic Services at The Marketing Advantage

What a wonderful sense of lightness, freedom, verticality -- after only 8 minutes of pure relaxation! In 25 years as a Holistic Health Practitioner, I have yet to find a product so impactful. In its simplicity and practicality, the soothing clarity of mind and physical ease it provides are remarkable. We all know posture reflects attitude, but the BTC quickly teaches us that POSTURE CREATES ATTITUDE, and encourages the body to engage with gravity rather than remain compressed by its constant downward pulling force. It's difficult to imagine a wiser investment toward one's poise, well-being and long term happiness!
– Vincent Fraser, CAT; CST; SEP. Certified Alexander Technique Teacher; Craniosacral Therapist; Somatic Experiencing Therapist
BUY NOW! (10% off 2nd Cushion!!)
Remove / wash: Red or Blue.
Made in the USA!
PLEASE allow 10-15 business days for delivery
Questions? Please email us at BTCushion@gmail.com